Ksenia Beltiukova was born in Minsk (Belarus) in 1986 into a musical family. As a six year old she was admitted at a special music school for talented children and studied violin at the Music College in Minsk with Tatiana Bodneva, Lilia Umnova and Natalia Lapshina. As a soloist Ksenia performed with the State Chamber Orchestra and Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra. Also she made several cd-recordings with the Symphony Orchestra of the Belarusian Radio Company. A special documentary about Ksenia has been broadcast by the National TV. Ksenia attended the master classes with famous teachers including Galina Buianovskaia (Moldavia), Dora Schwarzberg (Austria), Olga Parchomenko (Finland), Vladimir Klochko (Taiwan), Peter Brunt, Herman Krebbers (The Netherlands), Lydia Mordkovitch (England) and Gerhard Schulz (Austria). In 2003 Ksenia won 2nd prize at the International Violin Competition in Minsk.

In 2004 she moved to the Netherlands. Since 2005 Ksenia is a student of Ilya Grubert at the Conservatory of Amsterdam. Ksenia is a prize winner of the National Princess Christina Competition 2005 (The Netherlands). In 2007 Ksenia was the semi-finalist of the International Violin Competition in Torun (Poland).  In 2008 she received the diploma at the Vibrarte International Competition (Paris, France). As a finalist of the Princess Christina Competition Ksenia made her debut at the Carnegie Recital Hall (New York, USA).

Saeko Oguma ( Japan)
Toho Gakuen School of Music 1991-2000
conservatorium van amsterdam 2007-
Nobuko Imai,Nobuo Okada, Sven arne Tepl,Marjolein Dispa.
A winner of the 4th Tokyo music competition, japan 2006
A second prize at the second Nagoya international music competition in Japan2003.
A winner of the 12th Japan classic music association, japan 2002
performance (major extract)
performed with Tokyo Symphony orchestra(Norichika Iimori cond.)japan 2007.
performed with New Japan Philharmonic Orchestra,(Toshiaki Umeda cond.)japan 2007.

performed with Tokyo philharmonic orchestra(Ryusuke Numaziri cond.2006.
performed with Sendai Philharmonic orchestra (Yuzo Toyama cond,)2006.
performed with Yong Student Orchestra japan 2002.
performed with Tokyo MetropolitanSymphonic Orchestra ,japan 1999.
performed with Berlin symphonic orchestra in Berlin Philharmonic Hall.1987.
chamber music
Viola Space Tokyo ,Nagoya ,Osaka .2005-2007.with Garth Knox(composed by G.Knox world premiere)japan
Played with Yo Kigoshi (a principal cellist of NHK symphony orchestra) japan 2003.
played with Toru Ysunaga(a concert master of Berlin Philharmonic orchestra Germany)japan 2003.
a member of Tokyo Opera Nomori Orchestra with Riccardo Muti 2006,
a member of Saito Kinen Orchestra in Saito Kinen Festival 2004.
a member of I Palpiti ensemble in Algerich Music Festival,japan 2004.
a fellowship member of Toho Gakuen Orchestra Academy, japan 2000-2004.
scholarship from Nomura international foundation 2007.



Sanne Bijker (1981) kreeg op negenjarige leeftijd haar eerste cellolessen. Op haar twaalfde werd ze toegelaten tot de VOCO-opleiding in Maastricht, een opleiding voor jonge getalenteerde musici. Vervolgens studeerde ze verder bij Lenian Benjamins, Elias Arizcuren en Jeroen den Herder aan het Utrechts Conservatorium. Thans volgt zij de Masteropleiding bij aan het Conservatorium van Amsterdam bij Jeroen den Herder.    

Sanne soleerde in het Concertino van Martinu en het Concert van Ibert. Ze is lid van het cello-octet Conjunto Ibérico, dat wereldwijd concerten geeft. Ze volgde masterclasses bij onder meer Marcio Carneiro, Pieter Wispelwey, Arto Noras, Raphael Wallfisch en Daniel Muller-Schott. Ook geeft ze les aan de Nieuwe Muziekschool in Bussum en op muziekkamp Celloforte. Sanne bespeelt een cello, gebouwd door Saskia Schouten in 2000.