Joanna Czaj was born on May 15th, 1986 in Lubliniec (Poland). She started to play the violin at the age of 7 and studied in class of prof. M. Sinielnikov, teacher of Moscow Conservatorium.

From 1999 until 2005 she studied in prof.E. Urbanska's class at the Music High School in Czestochowa. Since September 2005 she has been studying at the Maastricht Conservatorium in Prof. Robert Szreder's class. In June 2007 graduated with the Bachelor degree diploma - Cum Laude (in 2 years in place of 4). In September 2007 started her education in the Master of Music.

    Since 1997 she has participated in international violin and musical interpretation master classes in Polamd,Germany ,The Netherlands and Spain.

She studied with great professors and violinists like Herman Krebbers, Roman Totenberg (Boston Music University), Marina Jaszwili and Edward Grach (Moscow Conservatorium), Jindrich Pazdera (Prague Conservatorium), Kurt Levin (Conservatorium Lausanne),Petru Munteanu ( Hochschule fur Music Rostock) and others.

     Her successful solo debut with symphony orchestra was at the age of 15, when she played the Violin Concerto of C. Saint-Saens with the Czestochowa Symphony Orchestra.

Since that time has played various recitals and concerts with orchestras in Poland, Czech, Slovakia, France, Germany, Belgium and The Netherlands.

     She is a laureate and prize winner of the following violin and chamber music competitions:

1st prize at the XII International violin competition in Katowice, 2nd prize at the I International violin Competition in the name of G.F. Teleman in Poznan, 1st prize and Grand Prix at the VIII International Chamber Music Competition in Dolny Kubin (Slovakia), 1st prize at the X National Chamber Music competition in the name of G.Bacewicz in Lodz, 3rd prize at the I National competition for young violinists in the name of I.Dubiska in Lodz, 5th prize at the I World Violin Competition in the name of S.Milenkovic in Brentonico (Italy), 1st prize at the National Chamber Music Competition in Katowice (violin duo), 3rd prize at the National Chamber Music in Katowice (piano trio).

     In 2005 she recorded 2 CDs with polish music with the Czestochowa Academic Orchestra. She also premiered the "Jurassic Concerto" for 4 violins by Slawomir Czarnecki.

In May 2006 was nominated by the Institute for the 6th Music Award Maastricht. 

In April 2007 became a finalist of Grachtenfestival Conservatorium Concours in Amsterdam.

     Her musical interests also extend outside the classical arena. She took part in several music projects with well known artists like: Andrea Bocelli, Marco Borsato, Lucie Silvas, Paul de Leeuw, Simone Kleinsma and Guido Dieteren with “Guido’s Orchestra”.



Esther Pouch (Belgie)studeerde aan het Conservatorium van Antwerpen bij Yvonne  Vandenberghe en Jacques de Tiege. Ze behaalde de eerste prijzen voor piano en kamermuziek. Ze heeft een speciale band met kamermuziek en gaf talrijke concerten met het trio Axis ,trio pleyades en de vermaarde Poolse violist Robert Szreder.Esther was tevens aktief als begeleidster voor het ballet van Vlaanderen en het Lemmensinstituut (Leuven). Ze begeleidde masterclasses van Theo Olof,Sherban Lupu te

Lancut(Polen)Herman Krebbers,Michael Kugel(France)Ivan Stauss,Jidrich Pasdera,Herman Trojanovski(Nederland)en het Herman Krebbers vioolconcours. Momenteel is ze verbonden aan de stedelijke academie van Turnhout(Belgie) en het Conservatorium van Maastricht(Nederland).